Hi, this is Jie

well, basically you will like reading a story

so...let's go!





10/7, early morning, my friends and I took the bus to head for Taipei

and it took 5 hours to get there! YES! 5 HOURS!

when we arrived, we stayed at the transfer station to wait another firend

and then finally we can go to the hotel and check in 


然後整整5小時才到! 對! 5小時!


終於可以到住的地方和check in了 


after putting down our luggage, we just took the MRT to Taida Gym

and went to meet some friends then went back to hotel

right there is something you guys may curious

why we go to Taida Gym on 10/7

cause the organizer add the second concert right before the originally FIRST con!

yap, this totally pissed fans off but we couldn't change anything

and the next day





想當然爾(自以為古代人?) 這完全惹怒了一票粉絲 但是我們也改變不了什麼 


10/8, still early morning (this is fangirl life)

we arrived the Gym and a lot of fans were already there!

and in addition to quene for fan-making goods

fans at the Gym also help the Korea TV program, Boom The K-POP

for the filiming!

everyone stood before the stage cheering for Knight, a famous dancing group

and we refilming for about 3 times and I got a little boring

so I just asked my frined would they(2PM) come out and stand beside the windows?

and I just stared at the window for a while and suddenly!!!!!!

I saw a person who stood in front of the window with his arms cross before his chest

at first I was so panic and curious is he JUN. K

cause JUN.K a.k.a wide shoulder hahahahahaha

and after 1 min my friend started to scream like crazy

then others also screamed with us OMG the sound is so !!!

so probably he found he was found so

he ran away with hands cover his face hahahahaha so CUTE

and I heard fans said that Khun was there with him too lol

終於來到決戰日10/8這天 依然是一大早(這就是迷妹人生!)

我們又出發到台大體育館 這時候也有不少人已經在那了

除了領粉絲或站的應援物之外 在場的粉絲也參予了韓國電視節目BTKP的拍攝!

大家都站在體育館外的舞台前幫Knight歡呼 Knight是有名的舞蹈團體 也有去韓國參加節目錄影獲得佳績

但是我們大概重複拍了快3次 所以我有點無聊 (很不應該!)



然後我就死巴著窗戶看! 快把窗戶看破那種! (太扯)

突然!!! 我就看到一個人雙手交叉在胸前站在窗戶前面!!!

完全熟悉的身形阿! 所以我就在想是不是JUN. K!

因為如果知道JUN. K 的應該都知道他肩膀不是普通寬吧哈哈哈


到最後本來很認真在協助拍攝的在場粉絲也一起 那聲音簡直OMG!!!


他就雙手捂住臉(有點害羞)的跑掉了哈哈哈哈哈哈 超可愛

後來聽說Khun也有在場 因為有飯說看到他也跟著跑走


after that my voice was already cracked

and it was long to go! I mean I even haven't finished the concert


拜託還很久欸! 我演唱會都還沒看! 


finally, we entered the venue

OMG I LOVE Taida! why?

cause the satge is pretty low and if we stood on the chair

we can climb onto the stage


OMG我超愛台大! 為什麼?




 you guys won't blame me for skipping the whole concert right?

因為演唱會過程其實我都有寫下來 但是頗長 應該不介意我跳過吧? 


and finally encore

as you know they(2PM) would run here and there

so fans, including me all stood on chairs

damn! I wanted to climb onto the stage

that was my OS



所以這時候椅子派上用場了!! 全部的人都站上去 哈哈也包括我



I stood on the chair with polaroid on my hands

and in the meantime

Junho just danced in front of us moved his ass sexily

and he just didn't take my polaroid

he's so BAD and my friend, a fanboy and I just so OMG!!!!

then Chan came and he saw my polaroid and took it

OMG I just couldn't stop screaming ahahahahahahahaha

and he walked to the center raising my polaroid

hahaha cause the song just sand to "Put your hands up"

and took a pic with hwayoung unnie


此時此刻 俊昊就站在我們面前跳舞 不停的舞動他的翹臀 極度性感!!!

但他就是不拿我的拍立得 欲擒故縱到一個極點

完全壞男人 站在我旁邊的男飯朋友和我完全無奈阿!!!


燦盛來了 然後他看到拍立得之後就拿走了阿!

OMG我一直瘋狂尖叫 然後燦就拿著拍立得到走到中間

把拿著拍立得的那隻手舉的老高 因為音樂剛好唱到"Put your hands up"



I was so crazy but still passing my polaroid to my friend to help me

and finally JUN. K came!!! JUN. K came!!! JUN. K came!!!

actually JUN. K haven't changed his name so I was yelling JUNSU for nonstop lol

and he sang and danced in front of us

after seeing the polaroid my friend raised he took it!!!

I was like OMG I can die in peace


因為我太矮了(別笑我) 然後 JUN. K來了!!! JUN. K來了!!! JUN. K來了!!!

其實那時候他還沒改名所以我像跳針一樣狂叫JUNSU lol

他站在我的面前(伸手出去就可以摸到的那種距離) 又唱又跳





and JUN.K left here came Taec

OMG and he took the polaroid too!!!

and even took the pic with us

haha though I was too short

之後JUN. K走了換澤演來了



甚至和我們一起入鏡 但是本人太矮照片看不到我



and they ran back to the main stge

so fast! It was to time to say goodbye

six of them said some words to us

JUN. K: chin ai de wo ai ni!

Taec: you believe oppars right?

Junho: hue jia~

Khun: see you next year

Chan: I had fun tonight

Woo: (pretended to cry)

while others were speaking Taec just lowered his head

OMG made me wanna cry! Don't GO!!!!!

and they took a bow then walked into the backstage

seriously I got tears in my eyes


時間過超快的! 六個人都說了一些話給粉絲們

JUN. K: 親愛的我愛你!

澤演: 相信oppa們吧?(HU的梗)

俊昊: 回家~(一直趕我們回家)

Khun: 明年見

燦盛: 今天真的很開心

祐榮: (假哭嗚嗚嗚嗚)

最後有一個哭點就是 澤演還沒輪到他講話的時候頭都低低的

抬頭的時候有點泛淚的感覺 媽呀! 別走!!!!!!!!!!!!

最後深深一鞠躬 他們就慢慢回到後台去了



and fans just ran out of the Gym and friends and I just went back to hotel



this is the first concert I saw and 2PM is the first idol I love like this

and I got the pics of them when my first concert

the feeling is beyond the description!

Thank you 2PM :-)






    創作者 HanJie 的頭像

    Don't Stop Can't Stop 2PM

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